
Showing posts from August, 2022

Radhastami Special Post. The Opulence Of Srimati RadhaRani!

   Hare Krishna  All Glories To Sri Guru And Sri Gauranga! Happy  Radhastami! तपत-कांचन गौरांगी, राधे वृन्दावनेश्वरी । वृषभानु सुते देवी, प्रणमामि हरी प्रिये ॥                                          ṭapṭa kānchana gaurāngī rāḍhe vrindāvanēṣvarī                                           vriṣabhānū sūṭe ḍēvī praṇamāmī harī priyē O Srimati Radharani, I offer my respects to You whose bodily complexion is like molten gold. O Goddess, You are the queen of Vrindavana. You are the daughter of King Vrishabhanu, and are very dear to Lord Krishna. The Transcendental Beauty Of Srimati RadhaRani....... ❝ The crest jewel of all beautiful girls is now manifest deep in Vrndavana forest, a girl who is the devotees' wish fulfilling jewel. ❞ — Sri Prabhodanand Sarasva...

Bhaktivedanta Swami's Vyasa Puja Special Post. My Homage Offerings.......

 Hare Krishna. All Glories To Sri Guru And Sri Gauranga! Today, the day after Janmastami, is Nandotsava, or the day when Nanda Maharaja rejoiced with the people of Vraja Mandala, after the appearance of the Lord. On this day, a very important personality appeared in this material world to save us fallen souls from the clutches of maya, and deliver us by instructing about the Supreme Personality of Godhead, i.e., His Divine Grace Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. My beloved lord sri krishna, I owe to Srila Prabhupada, for, only due to him, I was reminded time and again, that you are the crest jewel of my heart.Therefore it is my duty to serve him first. Dear Prabhupada, I couldn't really have imagined my life without the legacy that you left behind, the revolutionary movement that you started to uplift entire human race, by the order of your spiritual master and to fulfil the desire of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.  Without you what would have happened to all of us? We all are so mu...

Janmastami Special Post! Jagadhodharana Lyrics, Translation And Commentary (By Purandara Dasaru)

 Hare Krishna All Glories To Sri Guru And Sri Gauranga! All Glories To Purandara Dasaru! Refrain jagaḍoḍārana ādisiḍaḷesodē He who is the saviour of the entire world, plays with him, Mother Yashoda. NOTE: jagaḍoḍārana also means the womb which holds the entire world, or the one in whom the entire creation rests. jagaḍoḍārana maganenḍu ṭiḷiyuṭa suguṇānṭa rangana ādisiḍaḷeṣodē Mother Yashoda assumes that, the lord who is an embodiment of recitudes, is her own son, and she plays with him! nigamake silukaḍa agaṇīṭa mahīmanā magugaḷa mānikyanā ādisiḍaḷēṣoḍē Mother Yashoda plays with him, whose greatness is fathomless, he whose glories are inapprehensible, he who is incalculable, who, cannot be even described by the vedas, who is the crest jewel amongst the children. aṇoraṇiyanā mahaṭomahīmanā apramēyanā ādisiḍaḷeṣoḍe Mother Yashoda plays with him who is the smallest of the small and the biggest of the big, and the  One who cannot be defined, explained, measured through mental specu...